MED:0001189663 – This website contains imagery which is only suitable for audiences 18+. All surgery contains risks, Read more here

Coronavirus/COVID-19 Notice – Updated – 2020-19-08

The Layt Clinic aims to work with advice provided by the Department of Health and the World Health Organisation in managing the risks associated with the current international Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) incident.

We look forward to working cooperatively and proactively with our patients to minimise any risks associated with this current situation.

We do however ask that you reschedule any treatments and appointments and refrain from visiting the Clinic until safe to do so if:

Virtual Consultations

Our plastic surgeons are offering VIRTUAL CONSULTATIONS for all treatments available at The Layt Clinic. In these challenging times, a “digital” appointment can serve as a worthy substitute for in-person consultations in order to maximise our social distancing compliance while still providing you the opportunity to meet with our plastic surgeon and talk about your aesthetic concerns and treatments you may be considering. During your virtual consultation, we can even start the process of designing your customised treatment plan. Please take a look at our Virtual Consultation page for step-by-step instructions on how to conveniently access this convenient tool of communication.

How can you help prevent the spread of coronavirus?

Practising good hygiene is the best defense against most viruses, so please be sure to:

If you are experiencing:

Please contact your GP for advice before attending The Layt Clinic; where possible contact your GP via phone in the first instance. You may be required to attend a specific testing centre and to avoid contact with others.

If you have serious symptoms such as difficulty breathing, call 000 for urgent medical help.

We have hand sanitizer available at the entry into the Clinic and we ask that you use this before entering, we also have hand sanitizer available throughout the Clinic and we encourage you to use this. We insist all patients follow these procedures and protocols and reserve the right to ask you to leave the Clinic if we believe it is in the best interests of our patients and staff.

Please contact us with any questions you may have, and stay healthy!

Editor’s note: This is an updated version of the original blog post that was published on 17/03/2020.
